The summer comes to a conclusion. The hot days and warm nights seem but a distant memory as nature turns auburn and the cold weather slowly makes its way in. Fall is here. Seasonal change can be harsh on your skin, especially when you transition from hot to cooler weather. Healthy beautiful skin is a year-round commitment that requires you to change your skin care regimen like you would change your wardrobe on a seasonal basis. This season your skin care regimen can mean the difference between healthy soft skin and dry scaly skin.
Cooler weather will naturally dry out your skin. Consequently, you will need to ease up on drying skin care products usually used for acne and oily prone skin. For instance, if you were using a strong skin care product such as our Gly/Sal 5-2 cleanser or pads during the summer, you may notice the same product you used during the warmer months make your skin a lot dryer during the fall and winter. Accordingly, you will need to decrease the skin care product’s potency, replacing the Gly/Sal 5-2 cleanser and/or pads with the Gly/Sal 2-2 cleanser and/or pads. Same goes for the hydroquinone and benzoyl peroxide products.
During the summer, on account of humidity and/or perspiration caused by heat, your skin is more lubricated. The increase in lubrication can cause further breakouts or minimize your need to moisturize. (Note: sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is ALWAYS required).
Fall and winter are a different story. The cold weather strips your skin of moisture. Therefore, it is essential you supply your skin with the hydration it needs to maintain its healthy, smooth, and glowing appearance. Outside may be dull but your skin doesn’t have to be. You can find the best moisturizer to suit your skin type here. This Fall all moisturizers are 10% off.
Don’t forget to moisturize your hands, feet and body as well. Even though, during the cooler seasons we tend to cover up most of our body, that doesn’t mean those areas are safe from the cold weather’s harsh effects. Prevent cracked hands and flaky skin with our Green Tea Antioxidant Moisturizing Lotion.
Last but not least, just because you may not be laying on the beach or the clouds are covering the sun, does not give you a sunscreen hall pass for the next couple of months. Sunscreen is a daily, not seasonal, essential. You may not be able to see (or feel the heat from) the sun but that doesn’t mean it’s not doing damage. For more sunscreen selections click here.